

The Centaurs were one of the top rock bands to come out of Vancouver Canada in the mid 1960s. With their long hair and bad boy image, they were way ahead of their time in both their sound and style. They left Vancouver seeking fame and fortune and ended up in Holland and Germany where they quickly rose to the top of their game, sharing the stage with some of the biggest groups of the day and gaining thousands of adoring fans. The tracks represented here are high quality studio recordings from 1966 transferred from the original analog master tapes, plus a few live bonus tracks recorded in 1967 in Amsterdam, Holland, just to give the listener a feel of the period from the band's own perspective. Fans of '60s garage/punk music will greatly appreciate these never before released tracks, remastered by award winning mastering engineer Stephen Marsh in Los Angeles.

Titel: From Canada To Europe
Stil: Sixties Garage Kings and Losers
Best-Nr.: VTR-1001
Typ: LP

CENTAURS - From Canada To Europe

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Recorded Summer 1966 at Vancouver Recording by Robin Spurgin.

On Your Way
You Never Let Me Do Nothin'
Heart Full Of Soul
Hey Little Girl
Walk That Walk

Be Happy
(Recorded in Holland, Spring 1967)
(Recorded in Holland, Spring 1967)
Come On Up
(Live at 't Smurf Club, Bussum, Holland 1967)
Sometimes Good Guys Don't Wear White
(Live at 't Smurf Club, Bussum, Holland 1967)
One More Time
(Live at 't Smurf Club, Bussum, Holland 1967)
See See Rider
(Live at 't Smurf Club, Bussum, Holland 1967)
Long Green
(Live at 't Smurf Club, Bussum, Holland 1967)

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